Xversion 1.1.8

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  1. Java Version
  2. Brothers Utilities Version
  3. Oracle Jinitiator Version
  4. Download (obb) Version 1.1.8117.zip

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Java Version

Kermit Script Portability Reference

Most recent update: 1 September 2001.

Nov 15, 2018  @headius whats interesting is that in my log, you can clearly see the 'Unable to detect.' Line, from here: 69179fc#diff-368416a1face4e37c440b4f5bf8edbedR529 so. This page was last edited on 20 February 2020, at 15:27. Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. Mar 27, 2009  #!/bin/csh -f # #doc Script to run a GAMIT solution from raw data. #doc # # Script to run a GAMIT solution from raw data. # # Written by S. McClusky from earlier version by T. Herring and # based on many scripts written by P. Fang for SOPAC processing # Last modified 04/01/12 by S. McClsuky # # - sets up a directory structure for GAMIT # - gets tables and data from various archives around the.

Brothers Utilities Version

This is a beginning at an attempt to delineate the script programming language differences amongMS-DOS Kermit,Kermit 95, and C-Kermit. It will be fleshed out overtime. The aim is to give you an idea which Kermit script languagefeatures can be used in which Kermit programs. Bear in mind that:

  • C-Kermit and K95 share the same command parser so the scriptlanguages or corresponding releases of the two programs is virtuallyidentical.
  • MS-DOS Kermit is a completely separate program, written by differentauthors, and does not share even one line of code with C-Kermit and K95.
  • MS-DOS Kermit is not supported on Windows 95 and above or OS/2;Kermit 95 is the recommended and supported Kermit software for thoseplatforms. CLICK HERE for details.

Compatibility among the major Kermit programs is always a goal, butsometimes an elusive one given the distributed (over space and time)nature of the Kermit Project. Scripts can be written that are totallyportable among the three script-capable versions by avoiding featuresthat are not common to all three, or by having the script test theKermit program and version that's running it to enable circumlocutionswhere needed, and by storing system-dependent quantities (like pathor device names) in variables rather than hardwiring into the script.


Portability Features
Fails if the given feature is not included. Features that can be checkedin all MS-DOS, C-Kermit, and K-95 versions are: IF (script programming) andNETWORK (ability to make network connections). Example:

The items that can be checked are listed when you type 'check ?'. If youtry to check an item that does not appear in the list, the check fails.

The value is either C-Kermit or MS-DOS_KERMIT. Notethat the value of v(program) for Kermit 95 is C-Kermit,since C-Kermit and K-95 share the same command language. Example:
The Kermit program version number as an integer (no decimal points orother punctuation). For Kermit 95, this is the version number of theunderlying C-Kermit program. Example:

C-Kermit v(version) numbers begin with 501188 (for version 5A(188)).For C-Kermit 7.0.197, v(version) is 700197, which is bigger than a16 bit integer. So if you want your version-number comparisons to be safefor 16-bit platforms, use lexical, rather than numeric comparisons:

Finally, note that the version test, complete with error message, can be madein one statement, but only in C-Kermit 7.0 or K95 1.1.19 and later, so thisform of the version test is not portable:

This one is used for distinguishing between C-Kermit and K95. The valuesare C-Kermit and K-95. In MS-DOS Kermit, this variable hasa null (empty) value. In C-Kermit, the value of v(xprogram) is thesame as that of v(program).
IF K-95
These can be used for distinguishing between C-Kermit and K95, but onlyin K95 1.1.18 and C-Kermit 7.0 and later.
Kermit 95 is based on C-Kermit, but has its own series of version numbers:1.1.3, 1.1.17, 1.1.20, and so on. This variable gives the product-specific(in this case, Kermit 95) version number:

In C-Kermit, the value of v(xversion) is thesame as that of v(version).

The general operating system name, e.g. 'WIN32', 'UNIX', 'VMS'.
C-Kermit and K95 only, shows the specific operating system name,e.g. 'Windows 95', 'SunOS', 'Solaris', 'HP-UX', 'OpenVMS Alpha', etc.
C-Kermit and K95 only, shows the specific operating system releasedesignation, e.g. '4.00', '4.1.3_U1', 'V7.1-1H2', etc.
This tells the specific platform for which the Kermit program was built,e.g. 'IBM-PC', '32-bit_Windows', 'Linux', 'SunOS_4.1', etc.
C-Kermit and K-95 only. The name of the Kermit program file, e.g.'kermit', 'KERMIT.EXE', 'K95.EXE'.
C-Kermit and K-95 only. The CPU type, if known, e.g. 'i386','intel-pentium', 'sparc', 'alpha', 'mips', etc.
C-Kermit and K-95 only. The specific machine model, if known.

Oracle Jinitiator Version

Executes the command if the Kermit program includes a true terminalemulator (as do K95 and MS-DOS Kermit, but not C-Kermit).
IF Commands1.1.8
IF EXIST filename
Succeeds or fails depending on whether the given (single) file exists.
IF READABLE filename
Succeeds or fails depending on whether the given (single) file existsand is readable.
Succeeds or fails depending on whether the given (single) file canbe created or is writeable.
IF WILD filename
Succeeds or fails depending on whether the given file specificationcontains wildcards, even if it doesn't match any files.
Succeeds or fails depending on whether the given (single) directory exists.
IF ABSOLUTE filename
Succeeds if the given file or directory name is absolute, fails if it isrelative or invalid. The file need not exist.
IF ffiles(filespec)
Succeeds if the given file specification matches one or more regularfiles. The function returns the number of files that match; 0 is treatedas FALSE, nonzero as TRUE.
Command-Line InvocationMajor Language FeaturesKeycodes and Key Mapping in MS-DOS Kermit and K-95

Download (obb) Version 1.1.8117.zip

Normally OFF, meaning that K95 should use native keycodes. When ON,keycodes used in SET KEY commands are automatically from MS-DOS Kermitvalues to K95 values.
Saves current the current keymap as a series of SET KEY commands inthe file whose name is given, with keycodes according to the currentMSKERMIT KEYCODES setting.
Built-in variables as of MS-DOS Kermit 3.16,C-Kermit 7.0, K95 1.1.18:Functions in MS-DOS Kermit 3.16, C-Kermit 7.0, K951.1.18:Other notable differences between MS-DOS Kermit and C-Kermit/K95:Links:Kermit Script Portability Reference / Columbia University / kermit@columbia.edu / 1 Sep 2001